The easiest way to loose traction in the homeschool classroom is due to unwelcome interruptions. Since you are in the dual role of home care taker and homeschooling teacher there will be times when the home related issues intrude on your homeschooling hours. Here are some techniques to handling such possibilities in advance.
Let people know your school hours
If you have family member of friends who like to drop in on you, let them know the hours when you are busy in the homeschool classroom. This way they can come spend time with you without throwing your homeschool schedule helter-skelter. You can ensure that your classes move on time and you have people over when it is convenient for you to entertain them.
Put WhatsApp on mute
It is the smartphone invasion of your privacy. The constant messages and jokes from friends can seriously eat in to your productive time. It is a good idea to silence your smartphone during the time you are in the homeschool classroom. You can respond to all the messages you get in fixed time slots through the day so that you don’t miss anything important. Don’t let these time slots go beyond ten minutes.
Activate your answering machine
Just let your answering machine pick up all the calls when you are in the homeschool classroom. There is usually no emergency to deal with. Remember some things may be urgent, but not important. Focus on what is really important for you and your family.
Do your chores in bulk
Be it cleaning up the insides of the house or a list to chores that you need to do outside the house, make a list. Now start working on the ones inside the house after your homeschooling for the day is over. Next head out to do the outside chores and don’t go out just to do one or two, make sure you handle them in bulk.
Fix appointments on a specific day
If you need to fix appointments, try and bunch them in a single day with adequate time between them. That way you will only miss out on one homeschooling day rather than trying to homeschool half a day and head out to an appointment next.