What Should You Teach in Your Homeschool?
A Practical Guide for Homeschool Moms
As a homeschool mom, I’ve often marveled at how many essential life skills are overlooked in traditional schools. It made me wonder: If I could design a homeschool curriculum for myself back then, what would I include?
This curiosity led me to create a list of life skills that I believe every child should learn, especially in a homeschool setting. I even shared this list during a Facebook Live session, which you can watch here: Facebook Live Video.
Below is a snapshot of my first draft of these must-teach life skills for my kids.
(I did an entire FB Live on just this topic. If you want to watch the original Facebook Live video.)
Essential Life Skills for Your Homeschool Curriculum
Nutrition Teach kids how to make healthy food choices and understand the basics of nutrition. This includes meal planning and cooking wholesome meals.
Exercise Encourage a love for physical activity and educate kids on staying active and healthy throughout their lives.
Auto Maintenance Show them how to check oil, change tires, and handle basic car maintenance tasks.
Budgeting & Personal Finance Help your kids learn to manage money, set budgets, and understand credit cards, debt, and financial independence.
First Aid & CPR Equip them with the knowledge to handle emergencies and provide basic care when needed.
Home Repairs Teach practical skills like fixing a leaky faucet, patching holes in walls, or replacing light fixtures.
Understanding Insurance Explain how different types of insurance work, from health and car insurance to home and life coverage.
Local Government Educate kids about city councils, school boards, and how local government impacts their community.
Negotiating & Problem Solving Develop their skills in logic, persuasion, compromise, and influence to help them navigate conflicts and decisions.
Social Media Safety Teach online etiquette, privacy, and how to stay safe in the digital world.
Emotional Intelligence & Happiness Help your kids develop emotional resilience, self-awareness, and tools to maintain good mental health.
Survival Skills Explore basic wilderness survival skills like starting a fire, finding water, and building shelter.
Taxes Teach the basics of filing taxes, understanding deductions, and handling common tax-related questions.
Personal Communication Foster strong communication skills, including active listening, conflict resolution, and conversational techniques.
Dating & Relationships Provide guidance on building healthy, respectful romantic relationships.
Job Search & Interviews Prepare them for professional success by teaching resume writing, job searching, and interview tips.
Time Management Help them prioritize tasks, set goals, and use their time wisely.
Study Skills & Test-Taking Teach how to learn effectively, take notes, and excel in exams—key skills for lifelong learning.
Self-Defense Equip your kids with the confidence and techniques to stay safe in challenging situations.
How to Incorporate Life Skills into Your Homeschool
Homeschooling gives you the freedom to teach your children skills that go beyond traditional academics. You can integrate these lessons into your daily routine or dedicate specific times to focus on them. For example:
Homeschooling is the perfect opportunity to prepare your kids for real-life challenges. By including life skills like budgeting, communication, and emotional intelligence in your homeschool curriculum, you’re giving them tools to succeed in every area of life.
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