he girl is conducting a chemical test in the lab

This Homeschool Resource is still a work in progress! When you sign up, you'll be taken to a special page that we are actively adding content to. 

FREE Homeschool 101

Learning Math & Science the Easy Way

Whether you're just starting on your homeschool adventure or have been on the journey for years, this set of special homeschool parent sessions is for you.

This video series includes over a dozen sessions packed with homeschool resources - and it's FREE!

Enter your email below to access the Homeschool Workshop Now!

Homeschool Workshop for Parents

 Watch 16 videos packed with information, tips and expert wisdom to help you on your journey.


Homeschool Planning & Goal Setting

Discover how easy it is to map out your educational goals and chart a course to keep you on track, complete with dashboard to track your progress throughout the year.

Homeschooling Multiple Children

Are your kids at different skill levels? Most kids in learning environments are!  Learn from real teachers the most effective ways to keep your sanity and support each child's needs for growth.

Homeschooling and the Working Parent

Have more than one task in your life? Here's how to manage multiple layers of commitment without throwing in the towel.

Homeschooling as a Single Parent

Feeling overextended? Unsupported? Out of time and gas? Use these simple strategies to put wind in your sails and the smile back on your face. 

Homeschooling Hard Subjects 

Is science or math not your thing? Learn how easy it is for your kids to learn subjects that are not your strong suit. At the end of the day, your child can learn how to learn, work independently, and turn around and teach you math and science concepts in a fun and engaging way!

Important Foundations for the Early Years

Every notice the parents that constantly struggle with their teenagers, and wondered why they didn't handle some issues upfront? Set yourself up for success by making sure your child has the fundamentals covered when it's easy to implement.

Homeschooling Bored Kids

Kids bored or frustrated with dry, dull textbooks or curriculum? Learn how master educators hook uninterested kids and cultivate curiosity so students love learning as much as they do.

Preparing for College

Did you check all the boxes? Is your child really ready for the next level? Find out from college educators what the most important things kids need to have under their belts before leaving home.

How to Choose the Right Curriculum for your Homeschool Child

You're homeschooling for good reason. At the end of the day, we all want a better life for our kids, and there's no one path to reach this. So how do you navigate the onslaught of mass-produced curriculum? Simple: the one your child connects with is the one that they are actually going to use, so let's learn how to find it.

Homeschooling Special Needs Children

Do you have kids with special abilities and specific challenges? By tapping into a bit into your child's mind and how they think and process information, you can better understand your child and how to meet their needs more effectively... and you don't need to be a psychology expert to know how to handle it, because it's easier than you think.

Homeschooling when you just don't have time

No more time? Still too much to do, no matter how much you've doubled your efforts? Take a breath and join us as we learn the secrets successful people know about time management.

Homeschooling Gifted Students

Does it feel that your kid is smarter than you are? (And have you noticed that gifted adults are not always the happiest nor the most successful?) Here's how to support your gifted child so they develop in a balanced and sustainable way long-term.

Essential Homeschool Science Concepts
(Hint - it's not what most people think)

There are 18 concepts in science, 11 of which kids must master before they hit college. We're going to cover each one with real-world examples of how to teach these to your kids.

Homeschooling Science:
Does it have to cost a fortune?

Ever start a science experiment only to stop because you didn't have that special item? It's hard enough to get dinner on the table, let alone extra supplies your kids need for science. Here's a shortcut to make sure your kids aren't left hanging or frustrated.

Homeschooling Math when you hate it,
or don't feel you're good at it

How do you teach math when you don't feel confident about it yourself? Discover these quick tips to refocus your attention and leverage what you do know to support your child in loving (and learning) mathematics.

What does my child need to know? 

How do you know what your child needs to be ready for the next level, whether it's middle school, high school, or college? By knowing the targets you need to hit and the milestones that need to be reached, you can rest assured your child is on the right track, no matter what pace they're going.

With our Homeschool Workshops, you will learn how to set up your kids for success one step at a time, without the headache of feeling behind or at a loss for knowing what to do when.

At the end of this journey, parents understand that it's not about the courses completed or the grades achieved, it's about who that student becomes in the process.

Access the Homeschool Workshop Sessions Now!