Simplify Homeschool with Self-Paced Courses
Get Started Today the Easy Way with our Online, Self-Paced Homeschool Course
Your kids can easily learn and do real science and be excited about it!
You know that a good education is essential for your kids. And you know that giving your kids a great hands-on education they are excited about is really important.
Maybe you’re wondering how to make a difference in your child’s life but struggle with teaching science and math, and don’t want to sell your child short.
If you can relate, you’re in the right place. The complete curriculum you’ll find here is self-guiding, so your kids can do it on their own. Also, it’s very hands-on, so you’re kids won’t be reading boring lessons from a book – they’ll be doing real math and real science, like real engineers and scientists do everyday at their work. I promise they will learn more math and more science AND enjoy it more in two months that they will from a typical year using a traditional program.
Supercharged Science is excited to partner with your family through our complete online homeschool science and math curriculum. Our self-paced courses provide a flexible learning environment where students can progress at their own individual pace. These online homeschool courses provide your student the ability to learn to work independently, giving students the freedom to take charge of their learning while freeing up your time to devote to other aspects of homeschooling.
Hear from Our Families...
“I LOVE THE PROGRAM!!! I love that you have the forethought to give us supply lists. I LOVE that you speak to my kids about atoms, particles, accelerators, generators, nuclear physics, all four types of force and treat them like they are - REAL SCIENTISTS !!!! You are a wonderful role-model for my scientific daughter and son, as well as for my husband and I. You do have a tremendous impact in helping us motivate our learners.
“Let me reiterate that never before in one day, in SOOO many ways have I heard my kids so clearly exclaim: “I CAN!” I love the warning you post on your website encouraging repetition, persistence, and participation. ALL LEARNING should have this label!”
~Bernadette Frischkorn, Alaska
Homeschool Solution for Math & Science
Start Your Student’s Self-Paced Learning Experience
No time or skill to teach science or math?
No problem. I've done all the work for you. Each study unit includes lesson plans, objectives and goals, highlights and key concepts, vocabulary, lesson plans, discussion and development, experiments and activities, troubleshooting and going further ideas, evaluation and exercises, and a place to ask questions and get back answers.
You can use our program in one of two ways: you can either go through the material first and then deliver it in your own style, or you can can set your kids up with the program to learn on their own. You don't even need to be the teacher.
Your students will be teaching YOU science because our complete curriculum programs includes instructional step-by-step videos that students can follow. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth even more. 70% of our families who have struggled with written directions consider this part to be the most valuable component of the program.
I've done the heavy lifting for you. What this means to you is that you will have more time to spend on the things you really want to do instead of sitting at a computer screen all day long, searching for experiments and lessons, and trying to decipher confusing directions.
Self-Paced Courses by Grade Level
Self-Paced Science Courses by Grade Level
Self-Paced First Grade Science
First Grade introduces the students to four main topics in science: Physics of Sound (sound energy, pitch, volume and amplitude), Physics of Light (illumination, reflection, scattering lenses, mirrors and filters), Astronomy and Life Science. Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Students enrolled in First Grade also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced Second Grade Science
Second Grade introduces students to three main topics in science: Chemistry (states of matter, crystals structures, polymers and indicators), Life Science (plant structure and processes, entomology and habitat environments) and Earth Science rocks, minerals and the Earth's crust). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Students enrolled in Second Grade also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced Third Grade Science
Third Grade introduces students to three main topics in science: Weather & Atmosphere (weather stations, cloud formation, humidity and the seasons), Physics of Motion (velocity, acceleration and force), Astronomy (meteorites, comets, planets, and moons) and Microscopy (optics, slide preparation, and compound lenses). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Students enrolled in Third Grade also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced Fourth Grade Science
Fourth Grade students will dive into big, foundational areas in science: Geology (rock and mineral types, field tests and tools), Energy (kinetic and potential energy), Electricity and Magnetism (circuits, electric charges, electrochemistry of batteries, permanent and electromagnetism), and Life Science (food chains, matter and energy transformation, food webs, decomposers). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Students enrolled in Fourth Grade also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced Fifth Grade Science
Fifth Grade students will continue their growth in science by studying Life Science (Human Anatomy), Earth Science (weather cycles, water cycles, and energy flow on the planet), Solar Astronomy and Chemistry (fundamental principles in chemical reactions). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Students enrolled in Fifth Grade also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced Sixth Grade Science
Sixth Grade students will continue their work in science by studying Earth Science (meteorology, atmosphere, oceans, currents, and more), Energy (simple machines, mechanical advantage, renewable energy sources and look at energy storage and conversion), and Life Science (botany, cells and cell structures (like DNA), and working with microscopes). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Students enrolled in Sixth Grade also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced Seventh Grade Science
Seventh Grade students will expand in science by studying the Physics of Light (refraction, reflection, scattering, optical density, transmission, absorption of different wavelengths and sources of light), Energy & Motion (heat, electrical, sound, etc as related to potential and kinetic energy), and Life Science (cells and cell structures, microscopes and human anatomy). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Students enrolled in Seventh Grade also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced Eighth Grade Science
Eighth Grade students will expand in science by studying Astronomy (building telescopes, gravitational effects, identifying meteorites, and stargazing), Chemistry (chemical reactions, chemical kinetics, supercooling and thermodynamics), and Physics of Forces, Motion and Energy (Newton's Three Laws of Motion, velocity, acceleration, forces, force fields both gravity and magnetic). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Students enrolled in Eighth Grade also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced High School Science: Physics & Chemistry
High School students will study one area of science for the entire year. Each course includes hundreds of instructor-led science lesson videos, downloadable student notebook packets, homework assignments, and lab projects with step-by-step instructional videos and lab workbook pages.
We have two courses for High School Science:
NOTE: Students must have completed through Algebra 2 before starting Physics!
Students enrolled in the High School Level also have access to all K-8 levels with your enrollment!
Self-Paced Math Courses by Grade Level
We use the University Model in our math classes. Each week, students watch math lessons with a teacher and work on their daily assignments, which also include step-by-step instructional videos.
The math classes are only the first step. The teacher-led math lessons get students started, and then students work through their homework materials which includes: student workbooks, games and puzzles, hands-on activities, math labs and projects, review, quizzes and tests.
Students continue their explorations and discoveries with math homework on their own after class. In fact, once they get started in a regular rhythm of consistent daily practice, you'll find most students can't wait to do more all on their own!
Self-Paced Fourth Grade Math
Fourth Grade introduces the students to fractions, including how fractions are built; how to do all four operations with fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division): working with word problems involving fractions; handling mixed numbers; and working with the standard measurement system.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of geometry together!
Self-Paced Fifth Grade Math
Fifth Grade introduces the students to decimals, place value and how decimal numbers are built from fractions; how to do all four operations with decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division); working with word problems involving decimals and fractions; converting between decimals and fractions; and working with the metric system of measurement.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of geometry together!
Self-Paced Sixth Grade Math
Sixth Grade introduces the students to percentage, ratios and proportions and how percent numbers are built from both fractions and decimal numbers; how to do all four operations with percentage (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division); working with word problems involving percentage; converting between percent decimals and fractions; and working with percent change, percent error, simple and compound interest functions.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of geometry together!
Self-Paced Middle School Math: Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1
When students are ready, they start with pre-Algebra and then roll right into a full Algebra 1 course.
Students begin with operations on integers, variables terms and expressions, then move into the full Algebra course that start with equations, rational numbers, inequalities, graphing, systems of linear equations, polynomials, quadratics, rational and radical expressions. When finished, students are ready for Geometry.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of probability together!
Self-Paced Middle School Math: Geometry
Pre-requisite: Algebra 1
Students explore shapes and constructions, angles and measurement, and then dive into a big unit on plane geometry (triangles, circles, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, composite figures and similarity), 3D geometry (surface area and volume) and finish up with right-angle geometry (trigonometry basics). When finished, students are ready for Algebra 2.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of probability together!
How the Science Program Works
My online science program is a video-based, hands-on science curriculum program jam-packed with experiments taught by engineers and scientists, and we cover physics, chemistry, life science, biology and earth science for K-12. The program is a "go at your own pace" curriculum, so your kids will stay challenged and excited all year long.
Award-Winning Science
My e-Science science program is the best online learning program, bar none. No ridiculous cartoon animations, video games disguised to be "educational", or watered-down science experiments.
Every science activity, project, and experiment has been used in classrooms, teaching real kids science for over a decade before they ever came to you. Your kids will be making real science projects, from beginner level through advanced like the underwater robots, linear accelerators, hovercraft, and much more as they learn about the real world around them.
As a teacher, I don't want my curriculum designed by people with a PhD in marketing or sales. What I really care about is "Can my course help teach your kids in a way that lasts long-term?"
Most education companies are not in the curriculum business because they were passionate about educating kids. They are in it because it's a business.
Every science class is taught by a real scientist or engineer! Your kids get to study aviation from real pilots, astrophysics from real astronomers, electronics from real electrical engineers... it's all hands-on a real-world based.
Homeschool Science Made Easy
You don’t have to worry about trying to come up with weekly science lessons, answering hard science questions, and getting your kids to do appropriate experiments… I’m going to do all of this and more! All YOU need to do is provide the kids.
What do you want to focus on this year?
Multi-Subject Science: Students study a new area of science each month, complete with weekly student worksheets and a set of science experiments that explore the concepts in depth
Single-Subject Science: After selecting your student's grade level, pick a subject and work through it completely using the Lesson Plans provided.
How the Math Program Works
We teach math in a practical and real-world way, inspiring students who have struggled or been bored with math before. Our math program has live class sessions and new videos every week, so students can work through this program at their own pace, on their own schedule. We also provide weekly live small-group tutoring sessions so students that need extra help feel fully supported.
Math Class with a Real Teacher
Each one of our 300+ Math Lessons with a Teacher videos demonstrates the skill or concept in detail and is followed up with example problems with fully worked-out solutions. Math lessons are complete class sessions between 20 to 60 minutes in length, designed to get your student started with their math work for the week.
Daily Work Assignments
The math classes are only the first step. We work hard to get kids interested and excited to learn more, and then they need to do the work after class in order to make consistent, steady progress.
We have hundreds of math activities, games, puzzles and projects... and each one is complete with step-by-step instructional videos!
The teacher-led math lessons get students started, and then students work through their homework materials which includes:
Students continue their explorations and discoveries with math homework on their own after class. In fact, once they get started in a regular rhythm of consistent daily practice, you'll find most students can't wait to do more all on their own!
Application-based Math Lessons
The math lessons with Aurora introduce students to the math concept, and after students practice with their workbook first, and when they have mastered the math concept, they get to learn (and practice!) how to use this in the real-world.
Our math program is different from every other math program out there.
This math program is a hands-on, science-based math program taught by real engineers.
The purpose of the course is to provide students with clear, easy steps that demonstrate basic methods of mathematics and form a bridge between real life and the new math skills students will develop.
Tracking Student Progress
We provide all the lesson plans, teacher-led math instruction, homework assignments (with answer keys) and lab projects, and grading worksheets.
Parents can opt to grade their child's work, or teach their child how to evaluate their own work and keep track of their progress throughout the course using the provided Grading Sheets.