The present generation of children has had no opportunity to practice their writing because everything is done by typing out the words on a computer keyboard or a handheld tablet. As a result their handwriting is not exactly the best around! Whether it is getting your homeschool students to print or improve their cursive handwriting, the challenge is made easier by using the tips and tricks given out in these free resources.

At “learn 4 your life” the steps to a better handwriting are described as reinforcing left to right writing, explaining the 8 letter groups as per formation, similarly the 3 number groups. and finally practice the handwriting pages worksheets. A simple and systematic manner of improving handwriting. Download worksheets for each step for free and get your homeschool student started on a better handwriting.

Want them to practice what they have picked up so far? Use the free alphabet worksheets from writing to ensure that you make the right lines and curves when you write. Pick from a multitude of worksheets that you can print out for free to enable hours of practice work for your homeschool student.

Are the ready made worksheets boring? Do you want your children to use something a bit more interesting when they practice their handwriting improvement? Design your own personalized work sheets at “hand writing”. From a single word, to a sentence and even a whole paragraph, you can customize the worksheet based on the grade level of your homeschool student. Make as many different worksheets as you like and print them out for free.

The Operinan online eBook is a handy place for homeschool teachers to learn exercises to improve their students weaknesses. Based on what problem the child faces you can make them do zig zag lines, make squiggles, draw circles for hand control and even have them trace their own zig zag lines. They even have a section which encourages the child to make martians in different sizes and shapes to aid with hand movement control for better handwriting skills.

These are just an indicative list of a number of websites with free resources to help you build better handwriting skills for your homeschool students.