When you start homeschooling your children you go from being just a parent to a parent and a teacher. The charter of duties for you just doubled and if you do not get help from the rest of the family it will overwhelm you. So here is how you can get your children and spouse to pitch in with the home management so that both the home and the class get the attention that they deserve.
De-clutter as you work
There are a number of chores that children as young as 5 years can help you with. Make sure that they know they must clean up after any clutter that they create. After an arts and crafts class they must put away the paints and wash the brushes. After playing with toys they must return them to the toy basket. Once they finish with a book it must go back to the book shelf. This simple habit will help you keep things organized in the homeschool classroom and outside it.
Get help with chores
For slightly older children you can have them help you with the laundry by picking up all that needs to be washed and bringing it down to the washing machine. They can help with the folding of the clothes after the wash as well. Have them plan out the week’s menu in advance so they get to eat what they want. Then have them check if all the ingredients are available at home. If not make the shopping list. Your spouse can help with the shopping while you take up the classes. Keep the team working together to ensure that you get enough help to get everything done on time and done well.
Don’t expect perfection
Remember that your helpers are probably not going to do a great job every time they do a chore. They may not make their beds just as nicely as you taught them to, or they may leave their dishes on the table after eating and not put them away in the sink. Once in a while cut them some slack. As long as they don’t get in to the habit of you picking up after them every time its okay. You are not perfect, so don’t expect your children to be either!