FREE Curriculum Samples
Make homeschool learning easy and exciting with lessons from a real scientist and engineer! These two free sample homeschool math and science classes dive into hands-on activities and engaging explanations that bring science and math to life.
These two free lessons make it simple and fun for your kids to learn—no prep needed. Click to download your free homeschool astronomy handout and hit play on the video!
Join Aurora for a sample Homeschool Science Class
Dive into the amazing universe of science and telescopes!
Your kids can easily learn and do real science and be excited about it... all you need to do is start watching!
You know that a good education is essential for your kids. And you know that giving your kids a great hands-on science education they are excited about is really important.
Maybe you’re wondering how to make a difference in your child’s life but struggle with teaching science and don’t want to sell your child short.
If you can relate, you’re in the right place. The science curriculum you’ll find here is self-guiding, so your kids can do it on their own.
Also, it’s very hands-on, so you’re kids won’t be reading boring lessons from a book – they’ll be doing real science, like real scientists do in the lab. I promise they will learn more science AND enjoy it more in 2 months that they will from a typical year of “traditional” science education.
This class is appropriate for all ages.
The star chart Aurora is using during class is found here (free).
Join Aurora for a sample Homeschool Math Class!
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5 Free Hands-On Science Lessons!

Just enter your email and you’ll get instant access to this complete mini-science curriculum.
This free sample program includes:
See how easy it can be for you to go from “Frustrated” about not having enough time or resources for Science… To “Fascinated” by how your kids learn science better than EVER before because now they’re enjoying it!