The Daily Display Board
There is always so much to read and teach that as the homeschool parent you sometimes get frustrated that you are unable to share everything you know with your homeschool students. These ideas work great when it comes to displaying information in the homeschool classroom for the students to read up on.
Just like the display board in a regular classroom you can put up one new piece of information for the homeschool students to read in their free time. You can pick up some small snippets like a quote from a famous person, or have something larger like the labelled diagram of an internal combustion engine. It doesn’t matter what the piece of information is, all you have to do is put up one new thing on the board each day. This should be done at the beginning of the school day so that the students have plenty of time to get round to reading it before the day is over.
Where Do You Get This Information?
You can cut out interesting pages from a magazine, write out the quotes in your own handwriting, take print outs from the internet. Do whatever you find more convenient. Remember it has to be something educational and new. You can also use some fun stuff like jokes or tutorials to make toys to keep it interesting. Try and cater to the interests of all your children, but don’t get too predictable. Have them guessing about what you will put up next on the display board. Remember to take it down at the end of the day whether they have read it or not. This will ensure the curiosity factor and give them a deadline to read it by.
What Should Be Done With Old Pieces?
Since you are doing this every day you will have a considerable collection of information available with you now. You can make scrap books using these old pieces. Sort them as per topic such as Famous Quotes, Things to make, Science Facts, etc. These scrapbooks can be used as a reference in the topics when they come up in class. Or you could just sit down with them one day and ask the children which their favorite pieces were.