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The kids finished the project and successfully carried out the work

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5 Free Hands-On Science Lessons!

Just enter your email and you’ll get instant access to this complete mini-science curriculum.

This free sample program includes:

Cool science projects you can start doing right now with easy-to-find materials
Step-by-step videos that show your kids exactly what to do. Perfect if you don’t have time to teach science, or science isn’t your thing!
A 17-page student guidebook PDF that includes explanations and questions for each lesson.
My Science Newsletter with lots of great science activities
Instant online access to the videos and guidebook

See how easy it can be for you to go from “Frustrated” about not having enough time or resources for Science… To “Fascinated” by how your kids learn science better than EVER before because now they’re enjoying it!

Grade level(s) of Children