Kids are feeling scared to learn science

Why Do Kids Struggle With Science?

A Practical Guide for Homeschool parents

Does this sound familiar?

  • Your kids are bored with their current science lessons.
  • They roll their eyes at the mere mention of science.
  • They sit there, seemingly "lazy," avoiding their work.
  • Complaints, whining, or frustration erupt whenever it’s time for science.

If this hits close to home, you’re not alone!

Kids struggling with science is a common challenge, but the reasons behind it often boil down to two big factors:

1. The “Why Should I Care?” Problem

Kids disengage when they don’t understand the purpose behind what they’re learning. If they’re not shown how science connects to their world or why it matters, they’ll tune out.

Children are naturally curious—they’re born scientists! They love to explore, ask questions, and discover new things. But when science becomes a repetitive fact-cramming session with no clear connection to their lives, it feels pointless. And nothing kills enthusiasm faster than irrelevance.


  • Make science relatable. Show them how the principles they’re learning are at work in their daily lives—how rainbows form, how electricity powers their devices, or how baking cookies is a chemistry experiment in disguise.
  • Answer the “Why?” upfront. For example: “We’re learning about gravity because it’s what keeps us on the ground, and it’s why astronauts float in space!”

2. Negative Experiences Create Negative Anchors

Sometimes kids avoid science not because they dislike it, but because they’ve had a frustrating or discouraging experience.

Picture this: You buy your child a telescope from a place like Amazon or Costco (who, by the way, are not known for stocking high quality scientific instruments). It’s shiny, new, and looks like the perfect way to spark their interest in astronomy. But when she tries to use it, she doesn’t know where to point it, the plastic pieces break, and there’s no help available to figure it out. After a few attempts, she gives up—and now the telescope sits unused, gathering dust.

The problem isn’t the telescope—it’s the frustration that’s now tied to science.

Negative anchors like this can steer kids away from science lessons entirely. Instead, they turn to activities they feel successful in, like reading, music, or art. The more frustration they associate with science, the less they’ll want to engage.


  • Offer positive science experiences that are simple, fun, and achievable. Let them start small—like growing crystals, building a paper airplane to learn about aerodynamics, or making their own electrical circuits from a kit.
  • Choose quality resources and tools that work as intended. If your child struggles to succeed with cheap or confusing equipment, it can quickly lead to discouragement.

Understanding the Whining and Complaining

Here’s the thing: kids are experts at figuring out what works to get what they want. If whining and complaining about science gets them out of doing it, they’ll keep using those tactics.

Think of it like this: When a toddler wants ice cream and you say no, what happens? A tantrum erupts! That behavior continues until they learn it won’t work. Kids will drop unhelpful behaviors once they realize they’re ineffective—and that’s your opportunity to guide them.

How to Turn Science Struggles Into Success

Once you understand what’s driving your child’s resistance to science, you can begin creating positive associations that reignite their curiosity and excitement.

Here’s how:

  • Make Science Fun Again: Choose hands-on, engaging experiments that feel like play rather than work.
  • Focus on Small Wins: Give them tasks they can complete successfully to rebuild their confidence.
  • Offer Encouragement: Praise their effort and curiosity, not just their results.
  • Incorporate Their Interests: If they love art, explore the science of colors and pigments. If they’re into sports, delve into the physics of movement.

Bring Back the Excitement with expert-led Science Classes!

If your child needs a fresh start with science, we’re here to help. At Supercharged Science, we focus on making science fun, inspiring, and accessible. Our free homeschool science classes are designed to engage kids, spark their curiosity, and rebuild their confidence in exploring the world around them. Click for a free class!

Let’s turn those struggles into smiles and make science their favorite subject again!

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