Biology Ultimate Science Curriculum
Volumes 1, 2 and 3
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See what other parents say...
“This program is very different from any other science program I’ve seen. (My daughter) enjoys the hands-on activities. Until now, all of her science has been book based with some experimentation to back up the written word.
“Supercharged Science reverses this; it encourages the student to journal what was learned in the hands-on activities. This makes her think about the cause and effect relationships, and why things happen. It has really given her the best exposure to the scientific method. Supercharged Science gives her the experience of using activities to make connections she would only read about in other science curricula.”
~ Cathy Duffy
“I LOVE THE PROGRAM!!! I love that you have the forethought to give us supply lists. I LOVE that you speak to my kids about atoms, particles, accelerators, generators, nuclear physics, all four types of force and treat them like they are.REAL SCIENTISTS !!!! You are a wonderful role-model for my scientific daughter and son, as well as for my husband and I. You do have a tremendous impact in helping us motivate our learners.
~Bernadette Frischkorn, Alaska
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3940 Broad St. Suite 7242, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | Tel: (805) 617-1789