Decimals aren't intuitive like whole numbers are. Every kid knows 50 is bigger than 5, but they get confused when you tell them that 0.05 is less than 0.055. That's why I'm here to help.
Today I'll teach your kids how to use decimals practically so you don't have to worry about it.
It's for kids of all levels. Beginners to advanced kids, they will all learn something today.
Not only that, but you'll get a couple hours to yourself to get some good work done or enjoy a good book 🙂
I'll teach your kids for the afternoon, and when you get back your kid will come running up to you telling you all the cool stuff they learned.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy watching your kids really learn decimals for FREE.
And in case you're wondering if this is one of those "classes" that is really just a big sales pitch, I know how you feel. This isn't one of them. I'll teach your kids REAL MATH that they'll be able to use in school and in the real world.
Enter your email address to claim your spot now!