by cashlash1723 | Apr 25, 2022 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
The time you have left with your child in High School is limited. The skills that they need to learn seem endless. It doesn’t matter how much you have already covered with your homeschool student, as soon as they hit High School you feel like you are running out...
by cashlash1723 | Apr 18, 2022 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
As your homeschool students enter High School, there is a need to change up the way you interact with them. Not only are they teenagers with raging hormones, they are young adults on the cusp of making their way in the world. Here are a few tips on how you can make...
by cashlash1723 | Apr 11, 2022 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
There are a number of educational benefits associated with a planned trip abroad. As a homeschool family, if your resources permit you to make a trip to a foreign land, ensure that you do so at an age where your homeschool students are bound to remember the trip. You...
by cashlash1723 | Apr 4, 2022 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
While travel has been fairly restricted in the last couple of years, it is one of the most educational experiences that a homeschool family can indulge in. Traveling to a new place, even if it’s just for a short weekend, is a great way to step out of your...
by cashlash1723 | Mar 28, 2022 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
The majority of homeschooling families tend to have one parent staying at home with the children, while the other is the primary bread winner. However, this is not true of all the homeschool teachers. Many of them have successfully managed to teach their homeschool...
by cashlash1723 | Mar 21, 2022 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Know Your Schedule You can’t manage time if you don’t know what you are supposed to be doing for the day. As the homeschool teacher, you should ensure that your homeschool student has a written copy of the week’s schedule with them at the begining of...