by Aurora Lipper | Nov 7, 2019 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Go here for more homeschool astronomy lessons: If you have a pile of rocks (and honestly, who doesn’t?) let’s take a look and see if you can find any that might be meteorites! Watch the video to find out how… ...
by Aurora Lipper | Nov 6, 2019 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Go here for homeschool astronomy lessons: Do you have a pair of binoculars lying around your house somewhere? They are probably PERFECT for stargazing! 1. Binoculars are better than telescopes for beginners! An ordinary pair...
by Aurora Lipper | Nov 6, 2019 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Many homeschool parents feel uncomfortable giving their homeschool students grades or marks on their worksheets and test papers. They don’t want the child to feel pressured or disappointed. However grading is required for the homeschool student so that they can...
by Aurora Lipper | Nov 5, 2019 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Go here: Do your kids love robots? Rockets? Astronomy? Lasers? You can easily include any of these into a curriculum by making effective use of the resources already around you.
by Aurora Lipper | Nov 2, 2019 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Go here for more experiments with leftover candy! Have you already tried the “experiment” of letting your kids eat ALL their candy the day after Halloween (if there was any left!) How about a different approach?...
by Aurora Lipper | Nov 2, 2019 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
A number of parents, who may not have thought about homeschooling before, often end up starting to homeschool their children mid-session. Since homeschooling is legal in all 50 states in America, it’s not a big issue, yet there are some steps that you should...