by Aurora Lipper | Jan 15, 2020 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Teaching hands-on science is EASY! Just watch this video and not only learn how to make a rocket with launcher in less than one minute, but also learn the secret to teaching science using less “stuff” to teach your child how to create, innovate, and design...
by Aurora Lipper | Jan 15, 2020 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Watching movies can be turned into a learning experience. There are so many movies that can teach the homeschool students about different times and history. Whether it is the ancient past, or more recent events, many movies have been made to cover almost all important...
by Aurora Lipper | Jan 14, 2020 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
You can’t help but notice fads when they sail in…things are going along smoothly, and then WHAM! You’re already not in the “IN” crowd because you’re not doing “THE NEW THING”. This one has me concerned – more than concerned. It’s about pushing kids to learn how to...
by Aurora Lipper | Jan 13, 2020 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
Playing while you learn is always much more effective than simply memorizing by rote. One way to introduce the fun element of play into a homeschool classroom would be to use educational puzzles. The homeschool teacher can take any topic and create a quiz, or a jigsaw...
by Aurora Lipper | Jan 10, 2020 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
We’re going to learn about the wild world of light that has baffled scientists for over a century. You’ll be twisting and bending light as we learn about refraction, reflection, absorption, and transmission using lenses, lasers, mirrors, and optical filters with...
by Aurora Lipper | Jan 9, 2020 | Homeschool Science Curriculum Resources
How to put more Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into your current curriculum! If your kids are bored, frustrated, or eye-rolling during their lessons, whether homeschool or in a classroom environment, then this video is for you! I’ll show you the...