Affiliate Resources & Links



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For each resource, you will see two links. One is a tagged hyperlink (with a title), and the second is just the URL (with your affiliate ID embedded). You may use either one, though I recommend both together for emails.

On this page, you'll find your affiliate links for Supercharged Science products!

Affiliate Links

When someone you refer buys one of these products you get paid a commission. These work best if you promote them to people who know, like and trust you (like your email list or website visitors). All products have a full 30-day full money-back guarantee, so emphasize this in your sales material. Feel free to use whatever you like from the product info page at



e-Science Curriculum

The Secret to Giving Your Kids a Really Great Homeschool Science Education...even if you don't know much science yourself, or
don't have the time to teach it.

e-Science is a complete K-12 online science learning program for homeschoolers. It is designed to be totally kid-friendly so that you can just point your kids to their next science lesson, and I'll do the rest (of course, if you prefer to go through it with them, that's great too).

If science isn't your forte (or don't have time to teach it the way you would like to), that's okay. This program is designed so you don't need to know science yourself in order for your kids to get a great science education. You can just set them up with it and go do other stuff!


These links go directly to the e-Science sign-up pages:

906 e-Science Curriculum Sign-up Page


907 e-Science Curriculum $1 Trial Page

Ultimate Science Program

The Ultimate Science Program is a series of single-topic deep-dive programs on topics like, Astronomy, Robotics, Marine Biology, Astronomy and more. They go into more depth on each topic than most e-Science units, but are note a complete curriculum unto themselves. They are available as online programs. Some are also available on DVD as well.

This link goes to the Ultimate Science Curriculum product information page (which tells people more about the Ultimate Science Program, then gives them the chance to purchase)

910 Ultimate Science Curriculum Information Page


Supercharged Math Curriculum

The Supercharged Math Curriculum is a complete curriculum available for either grades 4-6 or grades 7-8 (or both can be bundled together at a discount). It is different from other curriculums in that it applies nearly every type of problem to real-world situations. That is, it uses math as a tool in the way that adults do to solve real-world problems. This makes it far more interesting for kids than just doing abstract exercises in a book and wondering "why do I need to know this?"

Supercharged Math teaches math by applying it to everything from business math to engineering to astronomy to finance. Kids find it way easier to learn and remember because it relates to the real world.

This link is to the Supercharged Math sales page


Science Mastery Program

The Science Mastery program includes materials for hundreds of science experiments. It comes in three levels: Silver, Gold and Diamond. 90% of customers purchase the Diamond program, which also includes years of a free enrollment to e-Science.

This link goes to the Science Mastery sales page




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3940 Broad St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | Tel: (805) 617-1789